Longwood Gardens, Kennett Sq, PA

Longwood Gardens, Kennett Sq, PA
Drinking Water

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Backyard Pretend Camping and Giant Marshmallows 8/18/10

We put up the tent for Antonio. It hasn't been used since Jess was a toddler. It smells like mildew but, airing it out is helping to get out the smell. Antonio talked about sleeping in it but, Stacy said she wouldn't sleep for worrying about him out there. Maybe Stacy can sleep out there with him one night. It has now rained on it so we have to check it for dryness.

Antonio's setup inside the tent.

Antonio spotted a rainbow. This is one half of it.

This is the other half.

Our pretend campsite.

Got this cool motion shot with a giant marshmallow.

Look how big this is!!!!!

Another campsite shot. Notice how dry the grass is. Our little garden can be seen in the background. We only lit the fire 'cause it had rained heavily the day before (wetting the ground) and we had the garden hose right near the firepit.

Another cool motion shot. The motion shots are the result of me not setting the camera back on automatic after I set it for night shots for pictures of the storm the other night. The shutter was slower so I more or less got double pictures. The marshmallow looks like it has ears. A white batman. haha

A giant marshmallow oozing off of the skewer.

A beautiful smile from Stacy.

Me toasting a giant marshmallow. I like my marshmallows torched. This one took a little longer then the regular size.

I toasted two. I'm eating one. I loved the idea of the giant marshmallows but I am over them now. They're too much. Four marshmallows in one. Below Antonio makes a 'smores with one.

One of the giants fell into the fire. It was bubbling and oozing in the fire. Creepy. It looked like it was alive. Eeeeewwww.

A giant on the 'smores fixings.

The 'smores giant!!!!!

Sophia enjoyed the fire better when she was sitting on Anita's lap.

Antonio decided to let one of the giants burn away on the skewer. Made for tough cleaning of the skewer.

Modern camping, laptop inside. Antonio put a campfire on his screen and he was showing it to me.

A shot of Antonio's computer screen campfire, through the tent screen.

Antonio seen on his computer through the tent screen.

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